Track 3 on "Kiss and Tell" is ' Letting Go'... Its a solid, rocker, with a great solo, played by long-time collaborator and friend of St. Crispin's Day, Marc Joy.
'Letting Go' was written a few years ago, and appeared on the first album, "Mind's Eye". It never quite achieved what I wanted though and it plays well live so we tried again.... I think we nailed it this time...
So, there's a dichotomy in 'Letting Go'. Do I want to stay or go (you'll notice a theme with my songs, here...). Are you just listening to friends who say I'm bad for you or do you really don't want me? Actually, are you even trying to end things at all? Maybe I just don't get it.
"If you let me Darling, I promise I would
Never go away!"
This love stuff is a nightmare..! It's like I'm waiting in a long queue for something I don't even know if I want.... But I'm still there...hmmmm????
The mad thing is that I know a lot of people in this situation and I bet you do too...
Letting go is hard, but knowing whether to let go is even harder. I guess ' Letting Go' is really about that very hardest of human dilemmas... Prevarication (you think that was just Hamlet...?)...
Funnily enough, this song nearly didn't make the cut as our original drummer though that the line:
"...every dream I hold comes back to bite me.
In the end..."
sounded like being bitten in the backside.. Every time I sang it he would holler out, "you cant say that". But we did and I hope it works... It's one of my favourite songs.. Hope you love it too...
Crispin x